Novo i tvornički zapakirano
Jamstvo vrijedi do 09.08.2026
Sposoban za 5.3K video i 27MP fotografije, kamera također ima Emmyjem nagrađenu HyperSmooth 5.0 stabilizaciju i dva LCD zaslona za kadriranje vaših snimaka. Nakon snimanja samo napunite kameru i vaša će se snimka automatski prenijeti u oblak.
- Video: 5.3K60, 4K120, 2.7K240 i više / ponavljajući video / 8x usporeno / 24.7MP snimanje kadrova
- Fotografija: 27MP / 2x zum / pojedinačna fotografija / noćna fotografija / 30 fps burst / RAW
- Time Lapse: 5.3K TimeWarp video / Zvjezdane staze / Light Painting / Svjetlosni tragovi vozila / 5.3K ubrzani video / ubrzana fotografija / 5.3K noćni video / noćna fotografija
- 5.3K, 4K, 2.7K, 1080p resolution
- 240/200, 120/100, 60/50, 30/25, 24 fps
- 16:9, 4:3, 8:7 aspect ratios
- 8x slo-mo
- HyperSmooth 5.0 with AutoBoost
- Horizon Lock / Horizon Leveling2
- 8-bit + 10-bit color
- H.265 (HEVC) MP4 video format
- Webcam mode
- Live streaming in 1080p
- Frame grab with the GoPro Quik app
- Digital lenses
- HindSight
- QuikCapture
- Protune
- 27MP photos
- SuperPhoto, HDR + RAW
- 30fps Burst Photo
- Night Photo
- Digital lenses
- RAW photos
- Protune
Time Lapse
- 5.3K TimeWarp 3.0
- Time lapse photo (27MP) + video (5.3K)
- Star Trails, Light Painting + Vehicle Light Trails effects
- Night lapse photo (27MP) + video (5.3K)
- Digital lenses
- Protune
Upravljanje kamere
- Large 2.27” rear touch screen with touch zoom
- 1.4” front screen for preview or status
- Easy + Pro Controls
- Presets + custom presets
- Scheduled + Duration Capture
- HiLight Tag
- Voice control with 13 commands in 11 languages + 6 accents
- Auto-upload to the cloud + get a highlight video automatically1
- Wireless transfer to the GoPro Quik app
- Ultra fast wired transfer to your phone3
- SD card transfer to a computer
Paket vključuje
- HERO11 Black Camera
- Enduro Battery
- Carrying Case
- Curved Adhesive Mount
- Mounting Buckle + Thumb Screw
- USB-C Cabl